Mammals of Australia – Red Kangaroos

This term we have been learning about Mammals during our literacy time. Last week our Australia group were learning about Red Kangaroos.

Check out these animations showing what happens when a Red Kangaroo is startled and thinks they are in danger.
1. They run away at great speed
2. They use their strong legs to jump high away from predators
3. They fight back


Discover China Day

Yesterday the year 7&8 classes at Otaki College had a discover China Day. We got to experience lots of different Chinese activities including Lion Dancing, Tai Chi, Fan Dancing, Martial Arts and looking at tradition Chinese instruments.

Check out what we did.

The Power Challenge

This term our class have been working on the Power Challenge learning all about electricity. We have had a focus on sustainable sources of energy energy. In groups we have been designing our own wind turbines to attempt to power up a pretend city. This week was our final week where we got to create our wind turbines and our ambassadors from Transpower came in to help us complete our final designs. Check out our amazing work below.


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